Braze Solutions Partner

The Braze Anti-Agency: We're Something Different

We're the Braze anti-agency — a different solution for marketers who want to move faster, have more autonomy, and have a true strategic partner as they create legendary marketing with Braze.

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We’re focused on sharing our deep knowledge of the Braze platform to empower your marketing team to make marketing magic with Braze.

Braze is for marketers who want better solutions. Stitch is for marketers who use Braze.

Braze Anti-Agency

Why Braze?

Any business that wants to succeed has to make sure they have happy customers that want to buy again and again. To ensure customers have positive associations with your business, you have to closely curate all of the interactions they have with your brand. And while simply selling your energy and aesthetic may be a good way to attract the right audience, the very best way to ensure the absolute best customer interactions that foster strong relationships between your business and your buyers is to use data. Harnessing the power of data to manage customer interactions can be the difference between reaching the people who want to buy from you in the way they want to be reached, or totally missing the mark and not convincing anyone to be. There are many tools out there today that you can use to gather data about customers, but one of the most powerful platforms to use is Braze.

If you're wondering, "What is Braze?" The simple answer is that it's a mobile-first resource for customer relationship management that gathers data and derives insights from that data to guide suggestions for brands is Braze.

Braze is a platform that integrates with a wide range of tech tools that gather customer information, across an organization. Braze can work with sales tools, marketing tools, customer support tools, and more. Braze's marketing automation capabilities enable brands to ingest data and then gather information about customer behavior across a wide range of digital touchpoints. Once Braze has collected customer data, it can provide context around customer preferences so that you can classify audience personas, customize messages so they feel tailored to buyers, and launch campaigns with testing— and do all of this in real-time.

Braze uses AI technology that crunches data and allows you to act on insights in the moment, where customers are spending time and just in the way they want to be communicated with. What makes this tool even more powerful is that it has a slew of partnerships with other martech brands. So, it can integrate and work with a host of tools to ensure you're not overlooking any place in your process where customers might reveal how they like to interact with your brand.

Some of the channels that Braze enables you to reach buyers are via email, SMS, push notifications, in-app messaging, and more. Braze SMS, Braze push notifications and other personalized messaging tactics help to create feelings of closeness and loyalty with customers and give you tools for nurturing customer relationships that you may not have had access to without the platform.

Braze Isn't Just a Mobile Marketing Platform; Leverage Braze Email for Cross-Channel Engagement Strategies

As a mobile-first tool for the modern marketer, you want to make sure you land with customers where they're looking. Customers who don't want to hear from brands in their text message inbox may still feel excited about hearing about a brand they like in their email inbox. To help companies do this, Braze has email capabilities that allow you to build effective emails for an audience that is mobile-first. This means that emails look good and are easy to read on a smartphone. They're also succinct but powerful, so customers don't have to read very long marketing messages on a small screen.

If you need help mastering Braze email best practices, consider hiring a Braze-informed pro to lead the way. At Stitch, we have the ability to not only handle your braze email setup, but also create Braze email templates that you can use to make your messages land—in a proven format. 

Leverage Our Comprehensive Braze Services to Make Legendary Marketing

While Braze is a tool that is used by marketers and does not require programming knowledge to use, it can be robust and complex and overwhelming for a non-technical person. For that reason, one of the smartest ways to use Braze is in tandem with the Braze anti-agency, Stitch — the leading consultancy for marketers using Braze.

At Stitch, we have a team of experts that are fully versed in how to use Braze. We help marketers implement the use of Braze at their company. We can ensure Braze has all of your relevant existing customer data, manage integration with other marketing tools, help you build marketing campaigns that we know from data will work, and do a whole lot more to make your Braze experience powerful and worth the investment in it.

By hiring us as your Braze anti-agency, you can turn over some of the hard setup and management work to a pro who has tons of experience and use your time and energy to help come up with new strategies and tactics, and create most effective campaigns possible (from ideas that are data-backed!)

Here are some of the Braze services you can expect to receive if you choose to work with Stitch to get the most out of your marketing:

  • Braze Implementation: Have you not started using Braze yet? You can rely on us to help you make the switch from other customer management tools. We build smart solutions with strategy at the center. From migrations to data infrastructure and configuration, during the implementation process, we’ll make sure you’re set up to use the powerful mobile-first, data-crunching marketing platform for success.
  • Braze Campaign Services: We're marketing tech experts—but we're also marketers and strategists. If you are using Braze to improve marketing campaigns, we can help lead the way with Braze campaign services. Rely on our team for ongoing help with the execution, optimization, analysis, and support of your marketing campaigns. We'll help you develop marketing messaging, manage the rollout and ending of campaigns, roadmap products so you can properly promote them, and provide ongoing support and recommendations to make sure you continue to use Braze to its full potential even long after you implement it for the first time.

Braze Pricing: Investing In Your Brand's Growth

All powerful marketing tools are an investment. Braze pricing varies based on the plan you buy and the amount you want to invest. However, working a tool like this into your marketing budget is a smart idea because it is likely to greatly increase your revenue, once you start running more effective campaigns and get better at reaching customers right where they are. 

The Braze team will help you assess your marketing needs and what you are looking to get out of Braze. Then they'll offer you the pricing tier that best first your needs. Competitors do not disclose their prices either (e.g. Clevertap pricing is only given once you contact sales, and Iterable pricing is not displayed conveniently on their site).

Compared to Braze alternatives, the platform costs about the same amount (depending on what you need it for). However, what sets Braze apart is its standing as the comprehensive customer engagement platform with robust data capabilities and extensive engagement channels. Braze is best used by companies and marketing teams that want to be mobile-first, so it's a great resource for any business planning to make mobile a major part of their customer engagement strategy.

If you want to try a Braze Demo for free, consider signing up for a Braze free trial. If you end up liking the tool and want to work with the guidance of experts to make sure you get the most out of it, reach out to the team at Stitch today. We'll work alongside you to optimize your Braze usage and make sure it's a tool that's helping your company grow.