10 Reasons Why Marketing Operations Leaders Are Moving to Braze - Part 1

In today’s marketing world, competition is fierce and customer expectations are at an all-time high. Marketers are expected to understand their customers, anticipate their interests, and offer them only the products and content that’s going to resonate.

This puts immense pressure on marketing operations (MOps) leaders who act as the linchpin between marketing strategy and execution. You need to either create seamless customer experiences that boost engagement or risk losing your prospects to competitors.

To deliver these connected experiences, MOps leaders use customer engagement technology like Braze to stay on top of consumers’ evolving needs and to personalize marketing across channels—all from a centralized, versatile platform.

So why do the MOps leaders we work with keep Braze in their arsenal? We’re detailing out 10 ways that Braze makes things not only easier, but also more effective for highly-strategic MOps leaders. 

1. Braze’s modern architecture enables adaptability and scalability

Braze is built on a modern tech stack composability approach, which sets it apart from traditional all-in-one solutions. Tech stack composability empowers MOps leaders to have a robust martech stack that integrates best-of-breed tools for specific marketing functions.

Unlike all-in-one platforms that lack flexibility and force marketers into a one-size-fits-all approach, Braze's composability enables MOps leaders to pick the perfect combination of tools that align with their unique marketing objectives and strategies.

With Braze's flexible architecture, MOps leaders can effortlessly adapt to changing marketing needs and add new capabilities.  

2. Advanced customer data ingestion makes activating your data strategy easier

Data is the lifeblood of marketing operations. Braze excels in its ability to import, process, and enable MOps leaders to get insights from vast customer data. Through robust integrations, APIs, and SDKs, Braze facilitates seamless data flow from different sources, including:  

  • CRM systems
  • E-commerce platforms
  • Mobile and web applications
  • POS systems

Braze combines the data from different platforms and unifies it in a central place, making it easy to create comprehensive customer profiles and track their lifecycles. The insights gained from the data help marketers understand user behavior, preferences, and interactions.

3. Enable your team to personalize brand experiences at scale

Personalization has become the cornerstone of successful customer engagement, and Braze empowers MOps leaders to deliver personalized experiences at scale by harnessing the power of audience segmentation and user-specific data.  

Marketing leaders can target audiences based on customers’ previous interactions. For instance, sending out campaigns too often and within a short period can overwhelm customers. This may make them unsubscribe from a list, turn off push notifications, or uninstall a brand’s app.

To prevent this, Braze allows for rate limiting and frequency capping in order to limit the rate at which customers receive promotional messages. The platform enables you to segment and target your customers based on the last time they received a promotional message to avoid message fatigue. 

Finally, Braze’s trigger-based campaign creation can tailor even more personalized brand experiences. These triggers ensure that customers receive marketing messages after a particular event occurs, such as abandoning a cart or signing up for a newsletter, rather than according to a set (but largely arbitrary) schedule.

4. Move faster with simplified template creation and management

Braze’s robust library of messaging templates provides a structured and consistent framework for message creation. Marketing leaders and their teams can edit pre-built templates using a drag-and-drop editor or create custom ones from new layouts.

Additionally, the platform provides a centralized location to manage templates and media. MOps leaders can organize their templates within the Braze dashboard for easy access by their marketing teams.

5. Reach more customers across multiple channels

As technology evolves, customers surf, shop, and engage with brands across several digital devices and platforms - someone can start making a purchase on a mobile app and finish it on a laptop. The point? The multi-channel world is here, and consumers expect a seamless interaction with a brand across different digital platforms and devices

Braze enables cross-channel marketing (and in fact, has shown that effective cross-channel marketing can boost a customers’ lifetime value by more than 75%). MOps leaders can design seamless customer journeys for multiple channels, including email, push notifications, SMS, and in-app messaging. The platform allows businesses to create and coordinate multi-channel marketing in a centralized place, streamlining the process. In early 2023, The Forrester Wave named Braze a leading cross-channel campaign management platform.

6. Design smarter campaigns with Canvas and AI

Braze Canvas is a visual journey builder that empowers marketing teams to create personalized customer journeys— no coding or deep technical skills necessary. Through its easy-to-use interface, creating customer journeys is as simple as dragging and dropping elements into the Canvas.  

Besides its intuitive Canvas, Braze also has the suite of Sage AI tools that can generate content fast and conduct engagement-based campaign optimization. It’s a collection of valuable tools, including:

Generative AI Tools

Within Sage AI, there are three tools that leverage OpenAI and allow marketers to reduce time to create content.

  • The AI Image Generator processes input text to generate ready-to-use images almost instantly. This speeds up the design phase and empowers teams with limited resources to create quality images.
  • The AI Copywriting Assistant processes text input to generate copy for different channels, while also supporting multiple languages. As a result, marketers spend less time on content creation and can focus more on improving their marketing strategy. 
  • The AI Content QA Tool is powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 technology and can eliminate manual, tiresome, and time-consuming quality checks. Marketing teams can use it to check spelling and grammatical errors in text content, as well as detect insensitive or offensive language. 

Predictive Suite

MOps leaders use the Predictive Suite to anticipate the possibility of a potential customer performing an event, such as renewing a subscription. They can then leverage the insights to segment customers in a way that promotes loyalty, reduces customer churn, and drives conversion.

The Intelligent Suite

Additionally, Sage AI by Braze comes with three intelligent tools that help marketers automate decision-making based on customer behavior:

  • Intelligent Selection helps marketers determine what content best resonates with their target audiences.
  • Intelligent Timing enables marketing teams to determine the most suitable time to send their content for the highest engagement.  
  • Intelligent Channel helps MOps leaders identify the most suitable channel to target a specific audience.

Beyond just the six reasons listed above, Braze has other advanced capabilities that deliver value to MOps leaders. These next-level features — discussed in detail in part two of this blog series — unlock opportunities for marketing teams to create even better customer experiences, while being efficient and cost-effective. Read part two to learn more.

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